Sunday, November 1, 2020

Who will the "very fine people" come for next?

I'm scared.

45's response to the incident reported in the article linked below was to tweet out, in all caps no less, his approval (I don't read his tweets but news reports say that he tweeted "I LOVE TEXAS!" in response).

45 is a schoolyard bully, and his supporters are the kids on the playground who cheer the bully on. I have always found this dynamic terrifying, and now it is writ large. Again: 45 is nothing more than a small, mean little bully, and his followers are those who feel powerful when engaging in a mob mentality. This has been what has fueled 45 from the beginning, when he promised to ban all Muslims from entering our country (which was an unconstitutional proposal, and the RNC could have prevented all of this by disqualifying 45 from their primary field in 2016, due to his promise to violate the constitution if elected, but they chose to look the other way, perhaps not taking his candidacy seriously... they should have taken it seriously, as now he is bringing down their party). 45 and his supporters are just like all bullies, small little people fueled by fear, who, again, feel empowered by a mob mentality. It's all about "us and them". They are xenophobic and want to ban everyone who isn't just like them, and build "big, beautiful walls" to keep them out, and take their babies and throw them into cages.

Who will be next? Who will the "very fine people" come for next?
You? Me?

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Time Change

 They tell me the time change is tonight, but I fear it is actually on Tuesday, when we may be falling back to 1933.