Sunday, May 19, 2019

Network News Media Not Talking about Bernie

I notice consistently that the news networks don't talk about Bernie or his policies when they discuss the 2020 election. I'm hearing a lot about some of the other candidates and which ones appeal to voters, etc., but evidently they think that by never mentioning Bernie, they will be able to marginalize his candidacy. Think again.

Right now, on CNN State of the Union, they're talking about Biden, Buttegieg, Harris, ...not hearing mention of Bernie.

It's by design. And again, it is not going to work. You can't make something go away by not mentioning its name (trust me, I am trying that by never saying the name of our current POTUS, yet he's still there). Bernie and his policies are a movement, not one person. You may be able to ignore him and not give him any mention or air time, but you can't ignore all of US.

Where are the chants of "From Russia to Hungary, Ukraine will be free!"?

You can tell that the "ProPals", as I keep seeing them called on social media (I personally don't like that term for them, as ...