Saturday, November 28, 2020

Treason is the Reason for 45's Last Act Season

I've been meaning to discuss this important bit of reporting (see linked video at bottom of blog post) by Rachel Maddow since it first aired a few days ago.

I mean, it's almost like 45 is carrying out the precise instructions of an enemy foreign power or something... hmmmm. It's almost like he's a treasonous traitor or something. It almost seems as if maybe he owes hundreds of millions of dollars to a murderous foreign dictator... or something.

In this chilling bit of journalism, Rachel Maddow details how 45 has pulled us out of the Open Skies Treaty, and commanded the dismantling of highly specialized aircraft we have that was was used for surveillance to protect our allies. Now, think about it: 45 is a sociopath and a malignant narcissist. He ONLY cares about himself. Pulling out of that treaty and dismantling those aircraft does not benefit him. It ONLY hurts the USA and our allies. So why would 45 waste precious time that he could be using to tweet that he's won the election, to watch "Fox & Friends", and/or to eat McDonald's Food by doing that instead? Let's think about who could have commanded him to do that in his last days in office. Who would want us to pull out of treaties that benefit us and our allies, and dismantle specialized surveillance aircraft? Who could it be?

Hmmmmm... who owns 45? Who is his puppet master? Probably Deutsche Bank knows.  Meanwhile, 45 just keeps committing treason and no one even bats an eye:

Rachel Maddow reports on 45 pulling us out of the Open Skies Treaty and dismantling highly specialized aircraft.

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Time Change

 They tell me the time change is tonight, but I fear it is actually on Tuesday, when we may be falling back to 1933.