Saturday, November 28, 2020

Treason is the Reason for 45's Last Act Season

I've been meaning to discuss this important bit of reporting (see linked video at bottom of blog post) by Rachel Maddow since it first aired a few days ago.

I mean, it's almost like 45 is carrying out the precise instructions of an enemy foreign power or something... hmmmm. It's almost like he's a treasonous traitor or something. It almost seems as if maybe he owes hundreds of millions of dollars to a murderous foreign dictator... or something.

In this chilling bit of journalism, Rachel Maddow details how 45 has pulled us out of the Open Skies Treaty, and commanded the dismantling of highly specialized aircraft we have that was was used for surveillance to protect our allies. Now, think about it: 45 is a sociopath and a malignant narcissist. He ONLY cares about himself. Pulling out of that treaty and dismantling those aircraft does not benefit him. It ONLY hurts the USA and our allies. So why would 45 waste precious time that he could be using to tweet that he's won the election, to watch "Fox & Friends", and/or to eat McDonald's Food by doing that instead? Let's think about who could have commanded him to do that in his last days in office. Who would want us to pull out of treaties that benefit us and our allies, and dismantle specialized surveillance aircraft? Who could it be?

Hmmmmm... who owns 45? Who is his puppet master? Probably Deutsche Bank knows.  Meanwhile, 45 just keeps committing treason and no one even bats an eye:

Rachel Maddow reports on 45 pulling us out of the Open Skies Treaty and dismantling highly specialized aircraft.

Thursday, November 19, 2020

The 45 Administration: literally and figuratively sickening.

This is one of the more despicable moments in this despicable administration: Pence et al. of the 45 COVID-19 Task Force, on TV, talking about how hard and collaboratively they are working to roll out the vaccine and save lives, yet simultaneously refusing to allow the incoming President-Elect and Vice President-Elect to get any briefings or information, so that they can hit the ground running when they take office, potentially saving hundreds of thousands more lives than can be saved if the current administration continues to stonewall intentionally.

Them standing there (Pence, this means you), talking about how hard they are working to get the vaccine out and save lives is the height of lying hypocrisy and despicableness.

Whenever you think they can't go lower, they do. Whenever you think they couldn't possibly be more sickening--literally and figuratively--they are.

Sunday, November 15, 2020

Sunday, November 8, 2020

I'm Happiest for the Children

If I had to pick one thing I'm happiest about, happiest for, regarding voting the fascist out, it can be summed up succinctly in two words (even one word, but I'm splurging):

The children.

Now they have a good chance of growing up in a democracy, in an America I recognize. Hopefully, they will never know how close they came to fascism. 45 is a fascist and, under his reign of terror, my country perpetrated fascist acts (babies in cages) and thus truly was, at least partially, fascist itself. However, we weren't swallowed whole into the jaws of that beast. We wrested ourselves out.

Can we ever make right what our government did to those children and their families? No. Honestly, no. Even if we reunite all of the ones still orphaned with their families, in many cases, the damage is done to those children. Many of them don't speak. They were neglected and tortured, like the Romanian babies in orphanages under Ceausescu years ago. There is ZERO difference between Trump's family separation/babies in cages policy and what happened to those children, traumatized and deeply psychologically, emotionally, and spiritually damaged forever, in the Romanian orphanages under that other monster. Only our monster was even worse, as he intentionally kidnapped/separated the babies and children from their parents.

We cannot fix what was done under 45 in our names. All we can do, and now have done, is stop him from doing it to any more children. And stop him from taking us further down the road to fascism in any other way (and he already was, in multiple other ways), too.

And, by so doing, we also save our own children, the children of America. We just saved our country for them. Now they can grow up in a democracy. Now they can grow up looking up to their President and Vice President, and to their parents, for voting for such a world.

I'm so thankful. I haven't slept in four years, thinking of the children. The babies in cages, and all the children of America, today and tomorrow. Last night, I slept.

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

45's psychedelic Kool-Aid is no match for the reality of our constitution.

Well, I finally just saw part of 45's little declaration of victory, recorded in the wee hours of this morning, even though there are a tremendous number of votes still to be counted due to the huge turnout this year and the fact that we are in an epic, global pandemic, so many, many, many people voted by mail.

Out of all the sickening things 45 has said in the last four years, this particular little Lie and Incitement Fest was was one of the most sickening, and I had to turn off the video as he was introducing Pence because, having to listen to that complicit Yes Marionette, after just listening to a POTUS trying to up-end the integrity of a US election and incite violence if he loses, would definitely have put me into the hospital. And we don't want that, especially since I have no health insurance at the moment (thanks, country o mine).

45 actually said, we want all vote counting stopped, we don't want them finding ballots at four in the morning. Well: 45, even though you've been enabled your entire life and thus have a very deluded sense of entitlement, that delusion is about to smack up against the reality of the CONSTITUTION. You see, the states decide when their voting deadline is, not your little, teeny tiny self. And, if voters get their ballots in to their state by that state's deadline, THEIR BALLOT IS GOING TO COUNT.

Are you with me so far, because I can slow down if you need me to, 45. Are you following me so far?

All the votes are going to be counted, no matter how many times you say that you've won, and that there is a great fraud being perpetrated. You, non-sir, are the great fraud. You are the great affront on our democracy.

Like I said, your delusions, and those of your Fox-News-brainwashed cult followers, are about to bump up against a not-so-little thing I like to call REALITY. Finally. It took four years, and you have gone around pouring all your followers round after round of the wildest, most psychedelic Kool-Aid I've ever heard of, and they've gone around consuming it and being drunk as skunks on it, but, if you lose this election--and it is looking like you HAVE, and once all the votes are counted we'll see--you and every member of your despicable cult are going to wake up with the most real of hangovers you've ever had.

And you'd better take some B-12 and tomato juice or something when you do wake up and find yourself in that reality hangover, because you need to be focused and sober when they come to take you to jail to await trial for your many and varied crimes, since you are a flight risk.

Sunday, November 1, 2020

Who will the "very fine people" come for next?

I'm scared.

45's response to the incident reported in the article linked below was to tweet out, in all caps no less, his approval (I don't read his tweets but news reports say that he tweeted "I LOVE TEXAS!" in response).

45 is a schoolyard bully, and his supporters are the kids on the playground who cheer the bully on. I have always found this dynamic terrifying, and now it is writ large. Again: 45 is nothing more than a small, mean little bully, and his followers are those who feel powerful when engaging in a mob mentality. This has been what has fueled 45 from the beginning, when he promised to ban all Muslims from entering our country (which was an unconstitutional proposal, and the RNC could have prevented all of this by disqualifying 45 from their primary field in 2016, due to his promise to violate the constitution if elected, but they chose to look the other way, perhaps not taking his candidacy seriously... they should have taken it seriously, as now he is bringing down their party). 45 and his supporters are just like all bullies, small little people fueled by fear, who, again, feel empowered by a mob mentality. It's all about "us and them". They are xenophobic and want to ban everyone who isn't just like them, and build "big, beautiful walls" to keep them out, and take their babies and throw them into cages.

Who will be next? Who will the "very fine people" come for next?
You? Me?

Time Change

 They tell me the time change is tonight, but I fear it is actually on Tuesday, when we may be falling back to 1933.