Sunday, July 22, 2018

Who's the "commie pinko" now?

Regarding the title of the linked Washington Post article below, "The Entire Republican Party is Becoming a Russian Asset", I say:  sad but true.

I remember when I was young (Lord, it's so weird that I'm old enough to start a sentence that way!), I very briefly worked for SANE, going door to door, canvassing against the nuclear arms race. I lived in the DC area. I had to go to a very conservative area once to canvass, and I had countless doors slammed in my face after being summarily called a commie pinko.

The Right used to always call those of us hippie freaks on the left, in our tie-dyed shirts and Birkenstocks, commie pinkos. And I'm sure, had Bernie (my love) won the primary, the Republicans would have red-baited him for all they are worth, since he is a Democratic Socialist, even though that is NOT the same as being a communist, they would have tried to make it seem that it is. Since they had NOTHING to use against Bernie, as his integrity is unimpeachable and his policies are all (except for open primaries) exactly what our country needs to bring it to economic and moral health.

The Right, I'm trying to impart to you, was always the group claiming to corner the market on being anti-fascist and anti-communist (not that the two things are the same, but they always jumbled them together).

As a person who grew up in that reality, constantly being called a commie pinko by the Right, since I was a very liberal child and remain a very liberal adult, and proud of it, I'm shocked at how the Right is turning a blind eye to the fact that the POTUS is basically a Russian asset. He's Putin's puppet. And they don't care.

For as much as I passionately disagree with them on trickle-down economics, and social issues, and basically everything, I always thought that they were a patriotic lot, in their way. I mean, that was their whole thing, right? Patriotism? Yet now, suddenly, they are putting a sleazy, two-bit con artist above their duty to their country and democracy, just because his has the same party affiliation as they do? I really am shocked, and I don't get it. How much more evidence do they need? It could not possibly be clearer. Once Mueller's report comes out, provided Rosenstein isn't fired first and a yes man installed who will compromise it, the evidence will be undeniable. Let's see what they do then. Let's see who the real "commie pinkos" are. Because what I see now are my fellow liberals out in the streets, fighting for our country that the Right has always claimed such fidelity to, and I see the Right turning a blind eye to treason and being COMPLICIT.

The Entire Republican Party is Becoming a Russian Asset

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