Friday, July 19, 2024

Stop the Train! (VOTE in November against 45 ever becoming 47!)

I was up way past midnight, watching 45's absolutely horrifying and terrifying speech to the RNC.  I don't know which is more frightening:  the fact that he engages in such blatantly dehumanizing, hate-inducing othering, or the fact that his cult following is so rah-rah fueled by that.  The way 45 dehumanizes immigrants is horrifying.

He kept lying, first of all, and saying that the current administration is somehow bringing in thousands upon thousands of illegal immigrants from "mental hospitals" and "prisons", and that all these thousands, upon thousands are an "invasion" of "murderers and rapists".  He kept using the word "invasion" and talking about how all these murderers and rapists and violent criminals are "invading" by the thousands, as soon as Biden somehow (per 45's lies that he kept repeating last night) is releasing them from mental hospitals and prisons (I didn't realize that Biden somehow was in charge of mental hospitals and prisons in Mexico and/or Guatemala and/or wherever, but, according to 45's lies, somehow Biden is just bringing in this "invasion" of murderers, rapists and, oh yeah, I left out that they are all terrorists, too, into "our country").

This is how dictators, how fascists, instill and/or nurture existing HATE, which they can then run on as their very fuel, weaponizing the masses to be in lock step with whatever they do.  This is how you "Other" human beings so that various groups of same are no longer looked at by the majority that the dictator wants with him, wants behind him, as human beings, and so that the dictator can then do anything he wants to those "Others" because they aren't human beings or even innocent sentient animals deserving kindness and respect, no, they are all subhuman and evil, they are all "invaders", "murderers", "rapists", "thugs", and "terrorists".

Yet when 45 was POTUS, the immigrants I saw him kidnap from their family, throw into cages in concentration camps, with nothing but a Mylar "blanket", neglect and traumatize, thereby torturing and orphaning were just BABIES.

Now he is saying that he will do mass, mass, MASS deportations the likes of which haven't been seen in American history, if he gets back into power.  And he went on and on yet again/still about how the 2020 election was stolen from him (never mind that its been litigated massively and the 2020 election was found to be totally legitimate), setting things up to not accept the results of this coming 2024 election, which, per the news last night being discussed during the RNC by the journalists on air, something like 20 states already have MAGA officials in place, in charge of certifying the election results, who are saying they will refuse to certify the results if 45 loses in 2024, which could thereby muck up the electoral college being able to proceed normally.

So we have a fascist (not a wannabe fascist, as I used to call him, years ago, until the aforementioned babies in cages, but an actual fascist, which he became upon implementing that policy) who is wanting to get back into power, who now, thanks to his despicable, complicit, disgusting party has people who have been systematically put into place over the last few years while most people assumed that the January 6th coup attempt was over (oh, it wasn't, it was just getting started), and who are now poised to basically and actually OVERTHROW THIS NEXT ELECTION IN NOVEMBER, if they have to, to get this man back into power.

Once back in power, 45 is GOING to engage in mass deportation and, in my strong opinion, WORSE--he will have concentration camps, again, and they won't just be for all the immigrants he is continuing to "Other", to dehumanize so that no one among his followers will bat an eye as the trains roll by, he will be putting American citizens onto trains to deport and/or to throw into concentration camps, too.  Mark my words, because even though, as the fictional Dr. Ian Malcolm from "Jurassic Park" said, "I hate being right all the time" (and I, in fact, am not right all the time, but I've been right all the time about everything I predicted 45 would do in his first term), I was right about everything I predicted in 2015 and 16, and throughout the 45 administration, about what he would do, even though quite a few people told me I was being over-the-top.  No, I was listening to 45 tell us and show us who he was, and I was, as Maya Angelou said in a famous quote is important to do, believing him the first time.

Friends:  it is IMPERATIVE that every single one of you reading this get out (or stay in and fill in your mail-in ballot) and VOTE in November, for whomever the Democratic presidential candidate is, it does not matter who it is, you get yourself to your polling place, and you drag every single person in your life who is of voting age with you, and you vote AGAINST 45 BECOMING 47.  Period.

America, the constitutional republic and democracy that I was amazingly blessed to grow up in, even with all its pathologies and flaws, is already gone, as of the July 1, 2024 Supreme Court ruling that we now are a kingdom (and I feel that word is way too non-alarming, as we are a potential fuhrerdom and that WILL happen if 45 becomes 47), so I thought that the ONLY silver lining of that tragic truth is that, maybe now I could finally rest.  I could stop trying to do whatever little, tiny bit I as an individual could do to save America, as I've been trying to do since I came of age in 1980.  I could just rest and maybe take a vacation one of these years.  But no, because even though our special democracy is GONE, we at least have a decent person in the presidency at the present moment, so we have not gone full fascist as far as the reality on the ground, yet.  If 45 becomes 47, WE WILL HAVE A DYSTOPIAN, EXTREMELY DARK, FASCIST COUNTRY IN WHICH WE WILL ALL FIND OURSELVES WITHOUT MOVING ANYWHERE:  IT IS COMING TO US.

Vote, vote, vote, vote, VOTE in November against this terrifying, othering, sociopathic, treasonous traitor, con artist FASCIST.  Or you will hear trains in the night and you will know you didn't do everything you could to prevent them.  And you just may even be on one.

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Short and Sweet

The only walls and bans that all of 45's xenophobic othering attempts to appeal to his equally xenophobic base are going to get him this...