Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Thank you, Georgia, you're a peach.

A not-so-cautious WU HUUUUUUUUUUUUUU! We WON.

I don't wu hu as a Democratic, large D, partisan, though I am (though my lifetime party often makes me feel like an outsider--I'm still a Democrat, large D). I wu hu for democracy, small d. I wu hu as an American patriot.

Now we will have a congress that can get things done for the overall, holistic health of our country, our people and the world. We will have a congress of good will, instead of an obstructionist bunch of bleeps, not to put too fine a point on it. I mean, if a party whose every policy I disagree with wins, and therefore a bunch of stuff I disagree with gets passed through congress, that's dismaying, yet that's democracy. I've dealt with that my entire adult life, which has been overshadowed by REAGANISM, REAGANONMICS, and all things figgin' REAGAN, which we are seeing the horrific end potential of playing out as we speak in what the Republican Party has become. But if a party actually refuses to participate in the democratic process, which is what the Republican party has become now, and simply chooses to obstruct everything, and also, oh by the way, to be complicit with lawlessness and treason and, probably today, complicit *and participatory* in sedition, then it is truly terrible and tragic, and that is why my wu hu is in all caps above: we have defeated the obstructionism, the complicity and the TREASON. Those complicit with treason ARE treason(ous).

I am so very thankful to all that is good in this universe, and specifically to each and every Democratic voter (and probably a few democratic, small d, voters who are not in my party, but who voted for the Democratic candidates because they are patriots and they understand that our constitution is under attack) for doing nothing less than saving our country in this election. Thank you, Georgia. Each and every one of you who turned the Senate Blue is a peach. <3

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Time Change

 They tell me the time change is tonight, but I fear it is actually on Tuesday, when we may be falling back to 1933.