Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Again, I submit to you: impeaching 45 is not partisan, it is the very definition of patriotic.

I've mused about this before but I just gotta say again: I find it incredible how 45 keeps insisting that impeaching him is a "partisan" thing, because--according to him--the Democratic Party/Democrats are so terrified to run against him. The reason that gets me so riled up is that it is, as are so many things that flow from 45's mouth, the exact OPPOSITE of the truth! If I, for example, as but one Democrat and American citizen, were acting in a partisan way, I would want and pray for 45 to remain in office until election day, as literally ANY of our candidates would easily defeat him in a yuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge landslide! He is our dream to run against!

Instead, however, I fervently want him to be impeached and removed, because I'm a patriotic American first and I want what is best for and, in this case, necessary for the survival of, my dear, precious, priceless country, the US of A. We have nothing if we don't have our constitution and rule of law. THAT'S what getting this constitution-violating, lawless, treasonous sack of bile out of office is all about! It has zero to do with "partisanship"!

Depending upon how this plays out, the 2020 election could be a nightmare for my Democratic Party after impeachment of 45, and even before the election, we could have a very SCARY situation in the streets, frankly, because 45's supporters are rabid. Let's just be honest, everyone got mad at Hillary for her supposedly political incorrectness in ACCURATELY describing his complicit supporters as a "basket of deplorables". Well, I'm 100% with Hillary on that one--they ARE! And particularly anyone on this or any other planet who still supports him at this point. After kidnapped babies in for-profit concentration camps, and all the many ways he has violated the constitution and our laws, and divided our country, and worked to enrich himself and benefit an enemy foreign power which, clearly, he is compromised by, YES: that person/those people are completely DEPLORABLE in my eyes but omg I digress, where was I? Right: his supporters are rabid, cult-like loons and there is no telling what they will do, frankly, if he is impeached and removed, or resigns (which he would not do without inciting violence in our streets on his way out the door). If I were thinking as a "partisan", I'd say, leave this train wreck in the White House, avoid all of those potentials, and what a dream come true to run ANY of our candidates against him in 2020!

But no, I care about my country. I care about following the clear constitutional imperative to jettison this guy through the constitutional trap door that our founders wisely built in to get him out of the White House. Most of all, I care about NOT setting a precedent saying that a POTUS can be lawless and that's okay, and about preserving and protecting our rule of law and our constitution going forward. For they are what truly makes America great.

Impeaching 45 isn't partisan, it is patriotic. So, of course, he is currently running around saying that it is "unpatriotic". Because he is indeed the leader of Bizarro World/Opposite Land. Meanwhile, here in reality: HE HAS TO GO.

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Time Change

 They tell me the time change is tonight, but I fear it is actually on Tuesday, when we may be falling back to 1933.