For example, this whole Ukraine thing that has led to the House finally starting long overdue impeachment proceedings was, I'm 100% convinced, orchestrated by Vlad. 45 didn't come up with this on his own. Pressuring Ukraine, of all countries, to go on mike and say that Russia didn't interfere in the 2016 elections (the news media is not focusing on THAT part of the ask enough: yes, 45 also illegally held up money approved by Congress for Ukraine on the condition that Ukraine go on mike and say that they are investigating a political opponent of 45, but he asked them to state that Russia didn't interfere in the 2016 election. Who benefits from him getting Ukraine to say that lie? Is that in the best security interests of the USA? To deny the fact that our election integrity was interfered with by an enemy foreign power? Whose PR interest is getting Ukraine to say that in? Whose interest has it been in for 45 to consistently deny Russian interference in the 2016 election ever since it happened? Certainly not ours.
This is all Putin. The entire Trumpocalypse, all of it, this whole almost-three-years: it's all Vlad. Except for the incitement of xenophobia and hate. That's the only part that comes naturally to 45. Everything else he does is as a puppet, the strings of which are controlled by the fascist, murderous head of a fascist, oligarchic, enemy country.
Somehow, the Republicans are okay with this. All my life, they shouted "I'd rather be dead than red!" and jeered at all of us on the left, calling us "commies". To this day, they are trying to elicit old, cold war and post-cold war scare tactics toward Bernie Sanders and those of us who support him by calling us "socialists" and conveniently leavings out the "democratic" ahead of that. "Socialist", when screamed by the Right in the USA, is code for "communist": Soviet-style communism.
Yet it is 45, The Republicans' chosen one, who actually IS a puppet of ex-KGB and current fascist head of Russia, Vladimir Putin. Follow the money. Follow 45's actions. Connect all the plethora of dots that are out there and that have already formed themselves into a clearly pixelated picture.
Twitter version: PUTIN OWNS TRUMP. The sooner those of you who haven't figured that out yet do, the better for our republic. And for those of you who have, yet turn a blind eye to him for whatever disgusting reason(s) you have, you are complicit. Complicit with treason. Complicit with a POTUS who kidnaps babies and puts them in cages in for-profit concentration camps. Complicit with a POTUS who is lawless and incites hate and violence on a daily basis. I could go on but I'll just say you are COMPLICIT.
Wake up, Trumpsters. Wake the bleep up. Before it is too late for our country.
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