Saturday, April 20, 2024

Where are the chants of "From Russia to Hungary, Ukraine will be free!"?

You can tell that the "ProPals", as I keep seeing them called on social media (I personally don't like that term for them, as they aren't so much pro-Palestinian as they are rabidly anti-Israel and antisemitic, so I will just stick with calling them "antisemites", but I digress) are just blatently anti-Israel and antisemitic because, if they are so against genocide (even though they throw that word at Israel utterly incorrectly/inaccurately), WHY aren't they out blocking bridges, interrupting government meetings, and taking over various and sundry public places to protest the outrage of Putin's unprovoked war against Ukraine, in which Putin truly DOES engage in war crimes (and, in fact, is now wanted by the Hague as a war criminal) and truly DOES target civilians, and has kidnapped children and put them into camps, etc.?

I don't hear a peep out of these oh-so-woke college kids about the absolute atrocities Putin is carrying out on a daily basis in Ukraine. Why aren't they right now, TODAY, as congress is deciding whether to send help to Ukraine, there demanding that congress vote to send aid to Ukraine (oh yeah, probably because aid to Israel is also in the package--okay, let me give one of the plethora of other examples of how they could protest Putin's war crimes against humanity in Ukraine, then)? Why aren't they loudly yelling on college campuses and holding up Ukrainian flags, and accusing Putin of the actual war crimes he's committing? Where are the chants of:

"From Russia to Hungary, Ukraine will be free!" ??? (It even rhymes.)

(Answer Key: they don't care about Ukraine. They don't care about war crimes. They are just plain old, garden variety ANTISEMITES, and it takes the form of being anti-Israel (po-TAY-to, po-TA-to).

Time Change

 They tell me the time change is tonight, but I fear it is actually on Tuesday, when we may be falling back to 1933.