Rant ON:
I find it totally disgusting that McCarthy, in his acceptance speech, said the repugs are going to make America a great place for children. Why would anyone find that disgusting? Because, for my entire adult life, since 1980, the Republicans have put everything they have into doing the exact opposite of that.
If repugs really cared about children at all, there would be:
Universal, single-payer health care
Universal, federally-mandated paid maternity and paternity leave
Paid pre-K care for children age 0 to kindergarten age
Contraception covered at 100%
Sane federal gun laws, including a total federal BAN ON ASSAULT WEAPONS
Prioritize fully funding our public schools, and no, that does NOT include "charter schools".
A fair and equitable tax system in which EVERYONE, including the rich, PAY THEIR TAXES.
But no, that is not what repugs want or care about. Children? Making America a good place for children? That is literally the last thing on their tiny, self-centered, short-sighted, greedy little beady, non-reasonable facsimile of minds!
Here's what repugs care about, PERIOD, and this has, again, been true since at least 1980:
1. NOT paying taxes. These POS, unpatriotic bleeps don't want to pay taxes, period.
2. Being xenophobic.
3. Maintaining the patriarchy.
So, McCarthy, shut up immediately about making America a great place for children. Your party has made America a hellscape for children. And for the rest of us. I wish you would build a big, beautiful wall around yourselves, preferably out of country in some tax haven, and leave America to those of us who want to build on what is truly great about it and make it a truly great place for children.