BREAKING: Joe Biden is on fire again! Delivering a great speech, as I'm composing this, at the DNC! I'm so proud to be a lifelong Democrat, especially at this moment in history. We haven't always dared to be daring, dared to be strong enough in our platform (and, by "we", I mean my party--I myself have been daring as all get out since I was a small sprout, but I digress #AlwaysVeryLiberal/Progressive), but I feel that now, in large part thanks to my beloved Bernie and all of us Berners, quite frankly, and our influence on the party, as well as thanks to a convergence of demographic influences and socioeconomic influences and other factors coming together, I'm hearing some GOOD, substantive stuff coming from Joe, for one, and we have also managed to PASS some good stuff recently. But we have so, so much more that urgently needs DOING!
While the repugs talk about cutting--read: eliminating--Social Security and Medicare, which we all pay into with every paycheck for our entire lives, so they truly ARE entitlements, don't let the repugs' attempts to make that into a dirty word succeed: Social Security and Medicare ARE entitlements--we all pay into them all our lives, and are thus entitled to them, we, Democrats, are talking about PROTECTING same. What we really need is single-payer, universal health care (among other things, but I got thinking about single payer due to mentioning the repugs actually trying to cut/eliminate Medicare, when we need to be trending the OTHER WAY, massively), but anyway: Joe is on fire, I appreciate him, and I think he is getting BETTER with age, like a fine, deep, complex vintage wine. You go, dear Joe!P.S. For goodness/democracy's sake, VOTE in November! And vote BLUE!