All: we need to circle the wagons around our Postal Service, period.
I've already called my elected representatives (congressional switchboard phone number: 202-224-3121) and strongly urged them to stand up for our Postal Service, and against 45's fascist ruination attempt of it. And, I swear here in writing, if somehow I am near the stand-alone mailbox nearest to my home, and anyone tries to take it away, as was done in other states but, thanks to a hue and cry, that has been stopped--for the moment--I will physically place my body between all comers and that box and they will have to take me with the box to wherever they are taking the box, while I am videoing them with my phone and simultaneously figuring out how to livestream.
We are living in the midst of a fascist takeover attempt. We've already had babies in cages in for-profit concentration camps, kidnapped from their parents illegally, tortured and traumatized, in actual violation of international, let alone national, law. We've already had the complicit Republican Senate turn a blind eye to abuse of power and treason by 45 and rule that he is above the law/constitution. We've already had so much more that I could list but you know. You know. And now we have the same POTUS responsible for all that actively trying to ruin the United States Postal Service, which--if he is successful--will hurt all American citizens and our country, and he is openly stating that he is doing it to SUBVERT THE PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION--to suppress the vote, to stop American citizens from voting: he has stated this. This is treason. This is abuse of power. Call your Senators and Congressional Representatives now and demand that they stand up to it/to 45. Tragically and sickeningly, the majority party will not. They are complicit traitors. Therefore it is up to us (but CALL THEM anyway and demand that they do something, even though most of the Republicans will not):
If they won't impeach, convict and remove this treasonous traitor, we have to remove him ourselves: request a mail-in ballot if you have not done so yet, so that you can safely vote in the upcoming November election. When you get the mail-in ballot, VOTE, vote, VOTE like you've never voted before! I'm talking VOTE. Then either mail your ballot in immediately, same day you get it and vote it, or take your ballot to a secure drop-off location.
Don't stop there. Continue to call, write and show up at your elected representatives' offices and town halls--demand that they protect our Postal Service and fully FUND it. DEMAND that the sorting machines that 45 has had removed in his bid for fascism be put back immediately. Volunteer as a poll worker if you are healthy and have no pre-existing conditions, as many poll volunteers are seniors and may not feel safe volunteering this year. Offer to help your friends, neighbors and co-workers--everyone you know--to register to vote, request mail-in ballots if they want to vote by mail (and we all really should be this year, given the pandemic), or to give them a ride to the polls by if they want/need that.
We may need to form human circles around mailboxes in the near future. This is no joke. This is a President of the United States attempting to move us from the transition to fascism which, I have news for you all, we are deep in the midst of, thanks to him, to being a fully fascist country.
There is no one but us to stop this man, and his complicit band of traitors. There is no one but we, the people, to do it. We have to rise to this occasion. We are enough, if we choose to be. We can, and must, do this. The constitution and our laws are powerful but only if we continuously fight for them. We are their fuel. The most powerful and well-designed car on earth cannot run without fuel.
When 45 comes for mailboxes, you know he is closing in on crossing the finish line to fascism. We have to form a human barrier of we, the people, between him and said line. NOW.
Read this link (to an excellent Facebook post by a US Postal Service worker): We must save our Postal Service
Saturday, August 15, 2020
Thursday, August 13, 2020
"Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States."
Treason is giving aid and comfort to an enemy of the United States. But what do you call a President of the United States who actually, openly, IS that enemy? He's treasonous and even beyond treason because he not only gives aid and comfort to an enemy foreign power (Russia, if you're listening...), he's also the enemy himself: he's now openly attempting to ruin the United States Postal Service, disrupt the mail, and thereby violate/hurt every American citizen, the functioning of our country, and, oh yeah, also the sanctity and function of the upcoming election, in the middle of a lethal pandemic in which going to the polls in person is deadly.
At what point will the COMPLICIT Republican Senate finally stop turning a blind eye and, to use phrases harking back to Nazi Germany, being "good German citizens", and "just following orders"? At what bleeping point will the entire Senate finally stand up and shout "TREASON!", and impeach, convict and remove this utterly corrupt, power-abusing, constitution-flouting, enemy of the United States of America?
I know it is only a few months until the election. Still: it's the principle and the reality of the thing: he must be removed. And, since the complicit Republican Senators apparently have NO limit to their blind eye turning, from babies in cages, to being in bed with Putin, to Emoluments Clause violations to now openly trying to bring down the United States Postal Service and thus openly trying to disrupt the upcoming election and currently in process primary season (I just mailed in my local primary ballot this week--I wonder if it will get there), we, the people, must remove this treasonous traitor in November. PERIOD.
Wake up, before we slip surreptitiously into fascism.
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