Friday, June 14, 2019

June 15: Act to Defend Democracy: #Impeach45

The time has come for all of us to stand on the right side of history. Do we stand for our constitution and rule of law? Do we stand against treason and babies in cages in concentration camps? It is horrifying that the end of that last sentence is *not* an exaggeration. That is reality. It is time for all of us, for each of us, to stand for what America stands for. It is a constitutional imperative that we impeach 45.
Please take action by going to one of the #ImpeachTrump rallies being held throughout the country tomorrow, June 15 (see link below). As Margaret Mead famously said:... "I am only one, but I am one." You and I matter in a democracy, my friends. What you choose to do, or not do, has consequences. Make them good ones. Tomorrow, Indivisible and other grassroots organizations are having a national day of Impeach Trump rallies. Please come. Please care. If you don't, America is, in the immortal words of the Eagles, already gone.

Time Change

 They tell me the time change is tonight, but I fear it is actually on Tuesday, when we may be falling back to 1933.