Saturday, June 30, 2018

June 30, 2018: Time to Hit the Streets and Get Loud, Resisters!

Good morning. Since I can't attend the Families Belong Together event today, due to, of all things, being on an antibiotic (for last week's injury) on which I've been told in no uncertain terms by the pharmacist to stay out of the sun, I will be participating by posting up a major storm on social media. Be braced if you are on Facebook today, as I hope to have time to post at an intensity y'all haven't seen from me since Bernie was running for President.

Why I care so much about this is that 2,500 babies and children were ripped away from their parents at the border, shipped far away in many cases, and put in child internment camps. Just let that last phrase sink in: child internment camps. In the United States of America. The staff at the facilities are not allowed to hug the babies or children. Remember, years ago, what happened to the babies and children in Romanian orphanages during the Ceausescu regime? They were deeply psychologically/emotionally wounded and profoundly scarred for life. Do we want this happening to children on our watch, in our name, IN OUR COUNTRY?

I beg of you all, if you can, show up today. And if you can't go in person, talk about it on social media. Call your senators and congresspeople (202) 224-3121. Talk to your children, your parents, your spouse/partner, your friends. Do not be silent.

This is important because, with this policy of family separation and child internment camps, Trump has gone from wannabe fascist to fascist. And if we do not stop him, our country will be a fascist country. So do it for America, and do it for each and every voiceless little baby and child who, right now as I compose and type this post, is all alone, scared, and missing their parents

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Trump has gone from Wannabe Fascist to Actual Fascist: Now we, the people, must choose sides.

This blog entry is sort of a sister piece to the one I just posted (entitled "Vicious"), though I actually wrote this one earlier tonight, and wrote "Vicious" later.  Yeah, I'm on a tear.  Here we go:

The Trump administration is tearing people apart in more ways than one. In America, family and loved ones are parting ways, depending what side of the line they are on. With the policy of separating babies and children from their parents at the border, sending the kids away, sometimes hundreds of miles, with no paper trail of who they belong to and no plan or way to ever return them, Trump has moved from wannabe fascist to actual fascist. He's a fascist. We have child internment camps, right now, in the United States of America. He's doing this in our country, in our names.

So here's where I very sadly find myself, as in, here's how I see it. It's very black and white. It's crystal clear at this point. There are no longer any simply "misguided" Trump supporters. If you support Trump, particularly if you defend him vocally and consistently, you are complicit.

I don't make comparisons with Nazi Germany lightly. In fact, I usually don't make them at all. But I today see many comparisons with where we find ourselves in what I call Trumpocalyptic America. No, we don't have gas chambers just yet. But we have camps. Camps full of BABIES and children. We have parents told their children are being taken "for a shower", and then they don't see them again. Does that sound familiar to any of my friends with a Jewish heritage, like mine, or anyone who knows anything about the Holocaust? This is not okay. Not on my watch as an American citizen. The way I see it, there are two choices, because the situation is this, my friends:

Just as in Nazi Germany, you can be complicit, or you can RESIST. At least we still have a lot of beautiful laws on our side here. We still have the constitution. And we have television and the internet, which German citizens did not. So we have even less of an excuse than German citizens did to turn a blind eye when the trains pass by at night, so to speak. Some Germans claimed "We didn't know." But we Americans, we KNOW. So here is the reality: just as in Nazi Germany, there are two sides: right and wrong. Good and evil. It could not be clearer. And, if you know what is going on in our country, in our names, by our President, you are either a resister or you are complicit.

We all, and each, have to choose. And Trump is tearing families (and friends) apart in this way, too. Because, as fa as I'm concerned, if you know, and you choose Trump? You also just chose the wrong side of history, in a huge way. In a "good German citizen" way. Google that phrase if you don't know what it means.

So you, me, and all of us, have two choices. You can resist fascism, or you can know what Trump is doing and turn a blind eye, or worse, actually defend him. If you do the latter, we're done. Because we all have to chose, and I know which side of history I'm on. Had I lived in Nazi Germany times (thank God I didn't), I would not have friends who were Nazi sympathizers. I'm alive now. And I know a fair amount about history--particularly the Holocaust. And I know what Trump is doing now, today, in our own country. And I know that, as the saying goes, those who don't learn from history are condemned to repeat it. I know that I can't in good conscience have friends who are Trump sympathizers and defenders. I can't have friends who are complicit, because that would make me complicit. And I will not be complicit. So if you defend Trump, we have to be done.


Well, I just got told I was being "vicious" by someone I love very dearly, for deciding I can no longer associate with anyone who is a Trump apologist, no matter how heartbreaking that decision may be for me in any given case. It's not vicious to know, and say, there is a line in the sand now that we have a fascist for a President, and I have to stand on the side of the 2,500 children. If you know about them, and you don't stand with them and against Trump's policies, then you are complicit. That's just reality. The 2,500 children in internment camps is what forced the line very real and absolute for me.

So life in Trump's America is that family and friends are ripped apart, and I'm not referring to what's going on at the border.  I'm referring to the person who sat next to me last week and sobbed about the unbridgeable canyon between he and his Trump-supporting brother. I'm talking about myself, and a person I love dearly, to whom I felt I had to say tonight, basically this: either you are with the 2,500 children or you are complicit. Complicit with fascism, and traumatizing 2,500 babies and children. And where does that leave us? On different sides of a line, an unbridgeable chasm.

The thing is, I'm a student of the Holocaust. And that's why I HAVE to see the line, and speak up. Just like Maxine Waters, actually, did the other day, and she is getting all kinds of misunderstood and all kinds of flack for it: she wasn't advocating violence! She was advocating creative NON-violent resistance! Speaking up and calling out fascism and complicity with same. She was saying: don't be silent. Elie Wiesel always said: don't be silent. I have not been silent, God knows. I've been shouting about Trump being a wannabe fascist since the primaries. And like I've said, I even predicted camps. Predicted it right on Facebook, and took a lot of heat for it then--I was called "overly dramatic", and unfriended by one person over it.  And now it's real.  And it's the line for me. Child internment camps is when Trump goes from wannabe fascist to fascist, and it then becomes incumbent upon all of us to NOT let him drag us, or our country, with him.

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Trump's Propaganda Video Seems Straight Out of "Room 23" on LOST

 "Two men, two leaders, one destiny..."

If you are not terrified, you are not paying attention: we (the United States) are now at a surreal point, governed at the top by a wannabe fascist. Trump made a propaganda video to play for Korea's murderous dictator. It contains the above line (the two men, two leaders, one destiny horrifying schtick). It's Clockwork Orange meets George Orwell dystopia time. It's Room 23 from LOST!

Meanwhile, Trump's advisors state that there is a special place in hell for Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau.

Folks, this is not good. We all, if we are sane and healthy, should be in fight or flight mode re President Trump by this point. If you think things are normal, you need to tune in to the news. This is not what is or ever, ever should be normal for the United States of America.

Friday, June 8, 2018

Rockabye Trumpy

To be sung to the tune of Rockabye Baby:

Rockabye Trumpy
In the White House
As indictments rain down, he tweets like a louse
When Mueller comes, the con game will fall
And down will come Trumpy, treason and all!

Time Change

 They tell me the time change is tonight, but I fear it is actually on Tuesday, when we may be falling back to 1933.