Thursday, November 30, 2017

Short and Not Sweet RANT

Reaganomics:  The gift that keeps on TAKING.  Robbing from 99.99% of Americans and the health of our society as a whole, while calling it "tax cuts" since 1980.

Saturday, November 11, 2017

Blue blue electric blue...

I find it fascinating that SUDDENLY, everyone and every news outlet is saying that, if the Republican Party doesn't stand up to this disgusting Moore character, they're finished. Um, no one said anything when the Access Hollywood tape came out re Trump. No one said anything back when primary candidate Trump called for "a complete and total ban on Muslims entering the United States", re--and I did say this, quite vociferously, but I mean, no news outlets were saying it and really no one seemed that outraged about it--that he just disqualified himself for becoming a Presidential nominee, by virtue of vowing to do something unconstitutional. I said then that the RNC should disqualify Trump from continuing on in their field of nominees. No one listened to the few lone voices like moi saying that. No one listened to anyone re the "pussy grabber" tape, either.

Yet now that some repug down in Alabama is revealed to be a sexual predator, the repug party is in mortal danger if they don't cut him loose? Why didn't they cut Trump loose when he vowed to up-end the constitution that he would have to swear to uphold if elected POTUS? Why didn't they cut Trump loose after the Access Hollywood tape, which was Trump in his own words?

Nobody seems to care what Trump does. Oh, except for all of us Americans who are in the MAJORITY and who voted for another candidate over him by a margin of over 3 million votes. Ah, now I see the difference: maybe the repugs and the news media got a wake up call last Tuesday? Maybe a little realization of how deep the BLUE sea is out here in the country has made them realize they'd better at least try to fake being a decent and law abiding party.

Time Change

 They tell me the time change is tonight, but I fear it is actually on Tuesday, when we may be falling back to 1933.