Thursday, August 24, 2017

Hey, Bernie and Hillary supporters: it's long past time for us to unite.

Man. I started following someone on Twitter because she had some cool tweet (can't even remember what it was, but I thought she was cool). So just now I see that she has a tweet bashing Bernie and Bernie supporters, and accusing him of being divisive (which is the actual polar opposite of the truth--Bernie constantly talks about not letting demagogues divide us up, and how we have to stand together) and saying he cost Hillary the election (again--not true: he ENDORSED her in the general, and ran the epitome of a respectful, civil and very substantive primary campaign, even REFUSING steadfastly to be goaded/spun into any personal attacks in media interviews).

It is so discouraging to see the bitterness and blame of Hillary supporters toward Bernie and Bernie supporters, and the bitterness and blame of Bernie supporters toward Hillary and Hillary supporters. It really is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay past high time that we all came together now, people. No, we don't see things exactly the same way, but we really have so much more in common than not. We need to unite to resist the orange fascist wannabe. Seriously, stop looking back and look forward at the oncoming locomotive.

Thursday, August 17, 2017

We Must Resist

Seven months in, this is America under Trump. We must #resist and fight hate with our hearts, minds, bodies and souls, and with our laws/constitution, our refusal to let anyone or any rhetoric divide us up, our voices, our feet in the streets, our presence in town halls and voicemail messages and voting booths, and, most of all, our love. We must show up, stand up and speak up for each other, and for what our special, inspirational, beautiful America is really all about.

We must RESIST. Stand together. Face down hate and divisiveness with love and unity. Trump's nightmare vision of America will NEVER triumph over the American dream.

Seven months in...

Time Change

 They tell me the time change is tonight, but I fear it is actually on Tuesday, when we may be falling back to 1933.